Sunday 23 January 2011

The Black Hill (Pentlands)

Height : 1,637 feet
Walk distance : 5 miles
OS Map : Pentland Hills
Difficulty rating : 1 out of 5

My eldest had been asking if he could come walking with me for a while, he'd climbed Turnhouse Hill last year and enjoyed it, so I thought we could try something a little harder this time (not too hard though, before someone calls the social !)

 We started off at the car park by Harlaw Ranger station and headed on the path towards Threpmuir Reservoir. After some short detours to throw sticks in the water and a quick "King of breaking the ice" contest, which I 'lost' (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) we cut across towards the Black Springs.

A short way along you soon come upon an old abandoned farm building by the entrance to a 'spooky' wood, couldn't be more Scooby Doo.

In the spooky wood we also found a shelter made out of fallen tree branches

After round two of "King of Breaking ice" we found a wee beach, if you could call it that, where my walking colleague decided it was high time for juice and crisps. After the briefest of stops we continued on to the Black Springs and followed the path that runs parallel to a dry stain dike up the side of Black Hill.

Ever the adventurer, this was a bit too boring for my son so he decided a shortcut was needed, right up the side if the hill, so off we went.

After what felt like an age walking through the gorse bushes we eventually reached the summit where it was time for more food, sandwiches this time, and a chance to view the Pentlands from the other side of the glen.

After climbing the Pentlands so often I've got a bit used to the views and tend not to stop and take them in that often, so it was a refreshing change to see things from a different perspective.

The Pentlands are a great place to visit, if you're in the area then they are highly recommended.

Here's the profile of the route we took :

And the route :

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