Monday 16 August 2010

Bealach na Searmoin

Choices, choices . .

Gaelic meaning : Pass of the sermon
Height : 2,050 feet
Walk distance : 10 miles
OS Map : Pitlochry
Difficulty rating : 1.5

The Bealach (a Bealach is a mountain pass) na Searmoin or Pass of the Sermon runs past Ben Vrackie near Pitlochry and through Killiecrankie. Follow the well made path up to heights of around 2,000 feet around some beautiful moorland through some forestry commision land and finally finishing on the banks of the stunning River Garry.

Visibility was poor but it wasn't as wet as it looked, conditions made it all the more atmospheric.

The summit of Ben Vrackie, easily "visible" from the Bealach. On another day I would have made time to climb it.

 Views on the way down the Bealach stretch all the way to Blair Castle and the Grampians beyond (on a better day anyway)

Once you're over the Bealach you head for Killiecrankie and the River Garry. If you've never been here before, spend some time at the Soldiers Leap and the Killiecrankie battlefield. This is an area I love and I could spend days here.

 The falls where Donald McBane is alleged to have jumped over.

Walking along the banks of the Garry. Although the weather was really poor I found this one of the most enjoyable walks I've done.

Here's the profile :

And the route itself :

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