Wednesday 25 August 2010

Ben Vorlich

Gaelic meaning : Hill of the bay
Height : 3,232 feet
Walk distance : 8.25 miles
OS Map : Loch Earn
Difficulty rating : 2.5

Loch Earn's Ben Vorlich is one of the first Munro's seen when heading north along the a82. Sitting on the Banks of the Loch it reaches a height of 3,231 feet and apparently commands great views of the hills further north. I've climbed twice and both times never seen anything from the summit. Vorlich is a mountain of two halves, the first section of the path is a doddle as you follow a vehicle track up the Glen.

The second half is a tough slog as you leave the well made vehicle track and head up the side of the steep mountain.

Hopefully you'll have better views of the Corrie near the summit than I had.

Views at the summit where non-existant, but blustery wind, cold and rain where prevalent so I didn't hang around for long.

I didn't enjoy this walk that much. On the day I found it was a real effort and it felt like it took for ever. Later that week I found out I had Lyme disease . . .  so I guess that would explain it then !

**Updated pics** this time with a view.

 The view over to Stuc a' Chroin

Here's the elevation with Stuc a' Chroin included on the right :

And the full route with Stuc a' Chroin also

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