Saturday 16 April 2011

Glen Loin

Gaelic meaning : Glen of provision or meadow (I think)
Ascent : 1,501 feet
Walk distance : 11miles
OS Map : Loch Lomond
Difficulty rating : 2 out of 5

After  the monster outing round Glen Finglas I opted for something a little less strenuous in an area I've never really visited before - Arrochar. Home of the famous Arrochar Alps and at the head of Loch Long this is an area of supreme beauty with dramatic & picturesque glens, peaks & corries. Everything any self respecting hill walker would look for in a walk.

The Glen loin walk starts at Arrochar, runs along the foot of several of the "Alps" then finally heads back through the forests at Succoth.

Park at the main Loch Long car park (remember you need to get a ticket from the machine, £1 for the day), cross the bridge then cross the road and head up the path marked Forest Walks, you'll soon come to an info board, follow the path and turn right. The eagle eyed among you will notice a rather impressive hill to the left which the path skirts round, this is Ben Narnairn a munro at 3,056 feet and a rocky looking bugger of a hill. Pretty soon A'Chrois comes into view, not quite a Munro at only 2,798 feet it's none the less an impressive looking hill.

Further along the path the equally impressive Munro Ben Vane (3,019ft) makes it's appearance, sitting at the head of Loch Sloy.

The path is well constructed and easy to follow so you've no chance of getting lost. Soon you head into a wooded area as the path turns of to the left, the views to the right remain open with Ben Vorlich coming into view.

When you reach the bridge cross over then head left up the tarmac road then you'll see the Loch Sloy dam, turn left along the other bridge before you reach the dam. Looking back you'll see the surprisingly conical Ben Lomond in the distance, looks very similar to Schiehallion from this angle. Heading up the path it opens up into Coiregrograin with the Munro's of Beinn Narnain and Beinn Ime sitting at the top of the glen.

Follow the path to the sluice gate then down to the left until you reach another left turn before a smaller dam the head back down the hill into the more dense forest.

This is a relaxing and enjoyable section of the walk, it's either flat or all downhill. Pretty soon the trees on the left give way and you get an incredible view over to Ben Lomond.

The walk finishes off in the woods of Succoth above Arrochar with the car park visible and the Faslane naval base in view along Loch Long.

I really enjoyed this walk, it's fairly easy and varied, it felt like it was about 5 different walks rolled into one due to the various types of scenery. My only gripe would be with the electricity pylons along the first section. Not the most scenic. I'd highly recommend doing this walk though, an excellent day out.

HEre's the route profile :

And the route itself :

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